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Insect & Rabbit

Insect & Rabbit

Regular price $40.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.99 USD
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Ingredients: blend of insects (hisser roaches, crickets, superworms) and rabbit (Ohio raised New Zealand white or California white breed, includes entire carcass). 100% natural collagen casing.

Shipping & Returns

Guaranteed to arrive frozen or at refrigerated temperatures. No returns or refunds.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Eli Duncan
Great product

Great product


My cornsnake eats these as well as my Ackie Monitor. So convenient.

Having great success as frog staple diet

I have an adult female pixie frog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) and she is thriving on the rabbit/insect mix. At her size she'd be eating juvenile or adult mice, but the Reptilinks are much easier to store and she's very enthusiastic about them. I would recommend tong-feeding frogs early in their lives so they'll associate the tongs with food and give Reptilinks a try more easily; adult tomato frogs raised on live feeders were very picky about the links, in contrast.

I'm going to try to cut up/uncase links for smaller frogs (White's Tree Frogs, in particular) and see how they do!

megan s.
Great product

We use the insect and rabbit blend for our white throat monitor. He refuses to eat insects so this is a great way to make sure he is getting the diet he needs.

Jonell Stetz
Great for Hedgehogs

As a hedgehog breeder feeding a Species Specific Diet is important for Hedgehog's Health. I am so glad I have found reptile links - my herd LOVES every variety we have tried so far and my owners are thrilled (especially those squeamish about feeding whole prey) that I am approved as a distributor to be able to provide a much more natural Species Specific food for all my hedgehogs! The Morning Star Hedgehog herd Thanks Reptile Links for understanding the importance of a balanced diet!