Reptile Care Blog

Adapting 8-12 g Reptilinks food for Tiny Garter...
Rus Wilson discusses his experiences with adapting Reptilinks to feed tiny garter snakes, including comparisons with other prey sources.
Adapting 8-12 g Reptilinks food for Tiny Garter...
Rus Wilson discusses his experiences with adapting Reptilinks to feed tiny garter snakes, including comparisons with other prey sources.

The meaning of "Natural Diet" and Reptile Feeding
Kingsnakes get their very name, in part, because of their varied natural diet. They will eat most anything in the wild they can catch including birds, eggs, rodents, reptiles, amphibians...
The meaning of "Natural Diet" and Reptile Feeding
Kingsnakes get their very name, in part, because of their varied natural diet. They will eat most anything in the wild they can catch including birds, eggs, rodents, reptiles, amphibians...

What Reptilinks should my Tegu eat?
By Tyler Helble Tegus are not recommended for the novice keeper, as they require considerable knowledge of reptile husbandry. Proper enclosures, substrate, and temperatures, humidity, and diet are required for Tegus...
What Reptilinks should my Tegu eat?
By Tyler Helble Tegus are not recommended for the novice keeper, as they require considerable knowledge of reptile husbandry. Proper enclosures, substrate, and temperatures, humidity, and diet are required for Tegus...